Toyota Tsusho Corporation Executive Officer Visits Croton Motors

Toyota Tsusho Corporation (TTC) Executive Officer and COO for Africa Division, Mr. Shinichiro Otsuka paid a courtesy call to Croton Motors on Tuesday, 4th April 2023. Mr. Otsuka who is on a business trip to Kenya was accompanied by the TTC Kenya Project Coordinator Mr. Yoshitaka Matsubara, Dealer Business Manager Mr. Kohei Ishibashi and Dealer Ass. Manager Mr. Martin Mwirigi. The team was warmly welcomed by Croton Motors MD, Mr. Francis Wanjuki.

TTC traces its roots in Africa back 90 years, with motor vehicle exports starting in 1964. It has since accelerated its presence in various African countries as it seeks to fulfil its vision of ‘creating and passing on a better global environment to the children of the future’. Here in Kenya, TTC has diversified from the automobile industry to power and energy, environmental preservation, agriculture and human resource development.

During his visit at our showroom in Karen, Mr. Otsuka and the Croton team discussed the cordial business relationship that the two companies continue to enjoy. We also discussed various issues affecting business in Kenya, including the state of the economy, inflation and even politics. Both parties vowed to continue strengthening the partnership for mutual growth and future success.

Croton Motors wishes Mr. Otsuka well during the rest of his stay in Kenya, and a safe trip as he heads back to Japan.


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damba dijital

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