
Logos in the Automotive Industry: The Emblematic Identity of Automotive Brands

In the vibrant realm of the automotive industry, logos serve as more than mere symbols; they are the iconic emblems that encapsulate the very essence of automotive brands. Just as a flag represents a nation, a logo embodies a carmaker’s identity, heritage, and aspirations. From the illustrious emblem of Mercedes-Benz to the spirited horse of Ferrari, each logo tells a unique tale, speaking volumes to car enthusiasts across the globe.

Is Mazda the New Toyota in Kenya?

Toyota’s brand approach for Kenya was based on availability and cost-effectiveness. Over the years, the market became exposed to new options from Nissan and, more recently, Mazda. Mazda followed an aggressive marketing… Read more »

Why Are Fuel Prices Skyrocketing in Kenya?

Fuel prices worldwide have been on a roller coaster ride since 2020. Many factors both local and international create this extreme volatility in Kenya. These include the response to the coronavirus pandemic and the Russian- Ukrainian conflict. Also, the pressure from the IMF on the Kenyan government to raise more revenue.

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